Returning to Routine.

January, for us and probably most of you, has been the month to get back into the swing of every day routine after Christmas and New Year.
We find that we fall out of routine so fast during breaks - for the kids it can be hard to get back to focusing on their studies, so we usually start off slowly and work our way back into the normal swing of things.
This is probably the first year I can remember that I haven't put any weight into working on any 'New Year's Resolutions' - I'm quite happy to go with the flow this year, and change any things that need to be changed when the time comes. Or maybe I'm just being lazy 😛.

Either way, we've been enjoying our slow start to the year, here are a few pictures from my January camera roll:

Crafting with the littles -

Cooking with the big girls -

Beach days -

Saturday morning pancake stacks -

Yummy lunches -

Our new ride, (we drove poor old Trudy until we couldn't drive her no more) -

Mucky play in the woods -

School in our PJs -

And glow-stick baths! -

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