Countdown to Christmas....

7 more sleeps until Christmas...

I don't know why exactly, but this year I'm feeling more festive than usual - I think the whole family are, actually. Maybe it's the fact that we spent a huge chunk of November cast down with colds, coughs and various other bugs and we just need the holiday cheer, or maybe it's that my kids have been talking about Christmas since the second Halloween was over - but I just had it in my mind to start early this year.

December 1st, we were taking our youngest for a walk while our 3 girls were at art class when we spotted a little shop selling the most perfect green-lush Christmas trees - we couldn't resist and bought one right then and there - tied it up to the roof of the Jeep (Griswold style) and brought it back home to decorate. We usually wait until at least the second week of December but this year it just felt right to start early. We got all our decorations up, put on some Christmas songs, danced around with the kids and ate mince pies - it's the most wonderful time of the year!

We did some ice skating, always a favorite for us - the girls and Jared are great at zooming around - and myself and the two littles take it slowly, Ruben likes to sit on the little ride-around-whales and Radley is just starting to experiment with going along holding hands - but she also uses the ride-alongs for now. Afterwards we stuck around and ordered ourselves some hot chocolates to help warm us up! Yummy.

Our girl's dance class had their annual dance show, it was Radley's first year performing on stage and she did so well - we were really proud of all 3 of them, they're so confident on stage.

We also made our first home-made Christmas wreath to hang at our door - we went for a walk in the woods to collect up some holly, some fallen pine branches and various woodland goodies to create something special.
It turned out to be a bit trickier than we had expected but I think it turned out pretty cute!

We've been watching lots of Christmas movies - last night we all snuggled up on the couch and watched The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix - Kurt Russell is great in it, and the references to his actual family (and many of them making appearances) is really cute, he makes a good Santa!
We all really enjoyed it, it's a good one for the whole family.

This week we have family staying, a Christmas party to attend, ginger bread men to bake, presents to wrap and more Christmas movies to watch! I'm loving the Holiday Season 🎄

Merry Christmas to all!

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