And just like that, Summer turned to Autumn.

Summer has relinquished it's (at times scorching) grip on us and I am breathing a huge, crisp, sigh of relief. Don't get me wrong, I love summer so much, but I'm not made for the heat  - and keeping 4 kids smothered in sunscreen and making sure they're all sufficiently hydrated is a full time job in itself. 
Now Autumn - that's my jam. I'm in my happy place here.

I have so many blog posts started throughout the summer that were left incomplete and unposted - life has been happening too fast to write it all down in chronological order as it goes by, but luckily - I have a tendency (ahem.. obsession) to save the moments in the form of photos and that's exactly how I plan to catch up on this blog. 

Let's just get straight to it -

You know it's hot out when you're jumping straight into the ocean at 8am in the morning, and it feels good! -

Expert Focaccia bread makers -

These two are so sweet together, he's nearly caught up to her in height! -

Picnics, picnics and more picnics...

Radley Belle is a real Daddy's Girl!

My wild forest children -

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