Pizza Night.

Pizza does not have to be unhealthy to be delicious - it can be very nutritious if you use the right ingredients, and when you feel good about the ingredients you use, your food tastes even better!

Friday is always pizza night in our house - everyone looks forward to it, it's always fun, and for our daughter Riley it marks the end of the school week.

This week we made spelt pizzas, which we've been having for years, but we have always bought our spelt pizza bases from the wholefoods store, which can be quite expensive - so we've started to make them ourselves.

Riley was our head pizza chef this week- and after a lot of thought, she decided she wanted her and her little sister's pizza to be plain cheese with pineapple "so that there will be more vegetables for yours and Daddy's pizza."
I didn't call her out on it. So she got to "decorating" the pizzas.

We use a homemade marinara sauce on our pizzas, a mix of passata, garlic, onion and oregano - and then add our cheese and veggies on top.
This pizza base recipe is a good one - it's not too hard, not too doughy, and it soaks up the flavours of the sauce - delicious!

  • 500g spelt flour
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250ml hot water
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees C
  2. In a large bowl mix dry ingredients together.
  3. Stir in water and olive oil until combined.
  4. Flour surface and turn out dough.
  5. Knead for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Roll out dough into two equal size pizza bases.
  7. Bake bases in oven  for 10 minutes, then top with sauce, cheese and veggies of your choice.
  8. Bake for a further 12-15 minutes.
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