Homemade Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the healthiest milk substitutes there are, but shop bought almond milk tends to be quite expensive and usually has a lot of  additives and sweeteners.

Homemade almond milk is a much healthier option than store bought - it's high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, iron, fiber, zinc and calcium, and it's low in calories and fat.

Making almond milk at home only takes 3 easy steps and so long as you have a blender or a smoothie maker, and something to strain your milk with (a cheesecloth or muslin cloth)- you can definitely do it yourself.

Firstly you have to soak your almonds (1 cup) in filtered water over night - they will just about double in size.

Almond before and after soaking.
Next - drain your almonds and add to blender with about 5 cups of filtered water, and blend on high until until smooth.

Next you have to strain your almond milk to take out the pulp - you can do this through cheesecloth or a muslin - after which you will end up with a mound of almond pulp - do not throw away, you can find lots of delicious recipes online that you can use almond pulp for.

And that's about it! You can store your almond milk in your fridge for up to 5 days.

My kids love almond milk in cereal, but their favourite is chocolate almond milk, made by adding some dark cocoa powder and honey - which they had today as a mid-play refresher.

Quick drink of chocolate almond milk, then back to their outdoor adventures.

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